The functioning of the Sors Bona Foundation


The Sors Bona Foundation was initiated by the then headmaster of the secondary school,  Margit Nahalkáné Czédulás in August, 1996. Its aim was to contribute to the improvement of  pedagogical process including school work, learning and teaching conditions.

The priority of the foundation is giving a material support for good learners with a poor financial background, supporting the student exchange programs and other language learning programs and the modernisation of equipments at school.

The foundation is open and you can join it by donations of financial nature or of any other assets that are accepted by the foundation. The acceptance is decided by the board of trustees according to the principles set in the deed of foundation .

The foundation is  managed by a board of trustees requested by the founder. It consists of three members who are trusted for unlimited time.The board of trustees decides about the use of assets, the allocations and checks the use of given support. The confering of allocations is decided by competition. This is made once a year and is published on the notice board and the school website.

The board of trustees has two anual regular meetings and helds extraordinary meetings if necessary. During the regular meetings the competition calls are prepared, they decide on the allocations and analyse the activity of the previous semester.. The activity plan fits in the schoolyear planning.

September: considerations of the arrived competitions and decisions about allocations

February: analysis of  the activity in the previous semester, calling for a new competition.

The foundation can manage from the 1 % personal income tax offered by the students’ parents and the co- workers. From these sums the school was able to build a reading hall in the library, to sponsor the german and greeek student exchange programs and the participants at the open- air school with a difficult social background. The foundation also contributed to the renovation of the school building, this being re-coated.

Budapest, October 7. 2005