Erasmus+ Meeting in Athens

During the preparations and the journey itself I learned a lot of things and my language skills improved a lot.
As I said the thing that improved for me the most were my language skills and how I speak English. Already before our trip I had the opportunity to improve my language skills during the time we made our video on the activities we had done at school during these two years.

Another great part of the preparations were when we made our posters illustrating the different meetings in various countries. In the workshops, I could talk with the other students and take a look at their photos and see what the other countries were like. I could even improve my artistic skills when we drew some things on our posters.

Also creating the film that summed up the results and activities of the project was a lot of fun as we could talk and make jokes and prepare our lines for the camera, and I also learned a few things about my own school that I didn’t know before.
Another great thing was seeing the plays of the other students during the trip and see their viewpoint on the issue of the safer internet. In the end, I learned a lot about the Greek culture, shared a lot of stories with the other students and I’ve become richer with experiences.


Nagy István Márk, 10.D